Springhead Lane, Anlaby Common, Eastriding of Yorkshire, HU5 5YJ

01482 304200

Welcome to The Hub School


The intent of our Food Technology curriculum is to apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating, instilling a love of cooking in all pupils. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill for pupils now and in later life and this is especially true for the students here at The Hub. Throughout their time at the school, we aim to encourage independent learning through individual activities. At Key stage 2, students begin to explore the basics of food technology through hands-on activities and understanding of how food is produced and consumed. This level focuses on introducing children to healthy eating, where food comes from and how to prepare simple meals.

The Food Technology department ensures that our pupils have a wider understanding of environmental impacts on our choice of foods and why there should be more encouragement to buy in season. Our pupils learn about multicultural foods and experience how different cultural foods influence our everyday food choices and how this is linked closely to our British values.