Emotional Wellbeing
At The Hub School we recognise that to give our students the best possible outcomes, we need to provide access to ‘in house’ emotional wellbeing support as and when students need this. We have a student support team across both our Anlaby and Welton sites, this team is made up of;
- X4 HTLA’s
- X2 Pastoral Coordinators
- X2 Emotional Wellbeing Leads
The emotional wellbeing lead’s offer proactive intervention to students who we recognise will benefit from this. Here at The Hub we can offer emotional wellbeing support on the following areas;
- Recognising and managing different feelings and emotions
- Recognising and managing anger difficulties
- Recognising anxious feelings and how to manage these
- Developing positive self esteem
- Body Image
- Friendship and relationship skills
- Bereavement support
- Online safety
- Managing exam pressure and stress
- Sensory processing and integration
How does emotional wellbeing support work?
- Regular and scheduled 1:1 intervention session’s with identified students
- Group sessions if appropriate
- Drop in sessions for students to access emotional wellbeing support as and when it is needed.
- Student’s progress will be regularly reviewed when receiving 1:1 wellbeing intervention
Benefits to student;
- Students feeling supported due to having allocated time to explore emotions
- Students feeling listened to and their thoughts/feelings being considered
- Develop a greater awareness of emotional wellbeing
- Develop healthier coping strategies
- Increased levels of confidence
School Nurse
The Hub school facilitates a school nurse drop in which is based in the school meeting room.
We recognise that to offer the best possible provision we need to allow our students to discuss and address any health concerns that they may be experiencing. Our identified nurse is Cath Dyer who will be in school every Wednesday morning. The aim of the School Nurse drop in is to be a confidential and friendly service that our students can access to address any aspect of their health.
Weekly access to a Mind practitioner for identified students
Mental health support;
116 123
0808 802 5544 (Parents Helpline)
Text the word shout 85258
0800 068 4141
0800 1111
Wellbeing Newsletter Winter Term 1
Wellbeing Newsletter Autumn Term 1
Wellbeing Newsletter Autumn Term 2
Wellbeing Newsletter Autumn Term 3
Wellbeing Newsletter Spring Term 1
Wellbeing Newsletter Spring Term 2
Wellbeing Newsletter Summer Term 1
Wellbeing Newsletter Summer Term 2